Monday (Legs)
- Angled leg press 3 sets of 12 (140lbs) with 25 sec presses in between.
- Angled leg press 3 sets 12 one legged (50lbs) with 20 sec presses in between.
- Squats 3 sets of 20 (40-45lbs) with ladders in between sets.
- Inner leg squats 3 sets of 15 (40lbs)
- Lunges 4 sets of 12 (20lbs)
- Dead lifts 3 sets of 12 (40lbs)
- Abs
- Cardio 20-30min.
Tuesdays (Arms and chest)
- Free weight bicep curls 3 sets of 12 (30lbs)
- Side bicep curls 3 sets of 12 (24lbs)
- Bench press 3 sets of 15 (30-40lbs)
- Free weight flys 3 sets of 10 (20lbs) with 10sec presses in between.
- Triceps 3 sets of 15 (15lbs)
- Push ups 3 sets of 10
- Abs
- Cardio 20-30min intervals on the treadmill.
- Yoga
- Cardio 20min
Thursday (Legs)
- Same as Monday
- Same as Tuesday but will throw in some shoulder and back exercises....sorry I don' t know some of the names of the exercises.
- Mountain Bike ride
So if anyone has any suggestions or ideas please let me know I'm getting board of my routine! Hope to hear from all of you soon.
P.S. I have to give much thanks for my ipod I wouldn't be able to get through the gym without it.....what does everyone have on their ipod??? I could use some new music too!!! am I asking too much?!?!